I believe emotional intelligence (EQ) has the power to transform the world.
Imagine a world where people are deeply self-aware, living authentically, and embracing their true selves.
A world where emotions are not a source of drama but a driving force for purposeful action.
Where past wounds are healed, resilience is built, and individuals rise stronger than ever.
A world where people connect with empathy, work together in harmony, and strive for a greater purpose that uplifts humanity.
This is the world I envision—and it starts with EQ.
My mission is to equip every individual I meet with the emotional intelligence skills to lead, thrive,
and create meaningful impact. Because when we master our emotions,
we unlock the potential to change not just our own lives, but the world around us.
Professionally, I am a corporate trainer specializing in Emotional Intelligence (EQ), mindfulness, communication, and leadership.
I am the founder of
Profound Learning Solutions Sdn Bhd
, a licensed HRDC training provider since 2012, and
Femme Quest
, a personal growth school dedicated to empowering young women.
With over 17 years of experience, I help corporate professionals build emotionally intelligent, high-performing teams and guide young women in mastering people skills to thrive—not just in the workplace, but in life.
Employees and youth trained
Years in training industry
We make the world a better place by developing people with skills they need to thrive.
Transformational Programme
A 1 or 2 day workshop designed for knowledge and skills transfer through high impact
experiential learning.
30 day Post Training Practice and
Workplace Application.
12 months of monthly Leadership Lessons
as Post Training Continous Learning.
3x live online sessions with the Trainer as
Follow Up Learning Reflection
and Coaching for Transformation.
Pre Traning Assesment
Post Training : Level 3 Kirkpatrik Assessment.
Value Addded Workshops
A 1 or 2 day workshop designed for knowledge and skills transfer through high impact experiential learning.
30 day Post Training Practice and Workplace Application.
12 months of monthly Leadership Lessons as Post Training Continuos Learning.
Pre Traning Assesment
Post Training : Level 2 Kirkpatrik Assessment.
Awareness Workshop
A 1 or 2 day workshop designed for knowledge and skills transfer through high impact experiential learning.
Pre Traning Assesment
Post Training : Level 2 Kirkpatrik Assessment..
Online Course
Self paced learning for individuals and employees from organisations.
HRDC claimable modules are available
on HRDC's E-Latih Platform.
People Skills Development Programmes for young women are available on my Femme Quest Online School.
Pre Traning Assesment
Post Training : Level 2 Kirkpatrik Assessment..
"Very helpful and healing..."
"Very helpful and healing session with Shaida, with this session I'm able to know myself more and learn more methods on how to deal with challenges and stress.
- ”Wen Hui, Team Lead AP,
on EQ at Workplace Programme
"..experienced , yet down to earth trainer..."
“Shaida is an experienced, yet down-to-earth trainer. Workshops can be very dull but not for Shaida's workshop, the energy is always high and
encourages everyone's engagement."
- Yi Vian, Analyst,
on Mental & Emotional Wellness Workshop
"I've learned a lot..."
“Very informative & effective session. I've learned a lot and I think this program shall be applicable to all, not just lower level execs. I thoroughly enjoyed the training and learned valuable lessons from the topic itself & especially from Pn. Shaida who is very well versed in EQ Management'”
-Azhani, Senior Legal Executive
on EQ at Workplace Programme
"very empowering...
"“very empowering.. I learn more about EQ, how to improve myself personally as a human being then a leader definitely.. I look forward to an opportunity to join another workshop with her”
-Izzati, Finance Manager ,
on Women Leadership Programme
Let us help you to find out!
🚀 Struggling with self-doubt, stress, or dealing with people in college or at work?
🚀 Facing difficulties in dealing with transitioning into the working world or
even from school to college?
💖 Want to level up your skill sets so that you can thrive in life, study or career, and relationships? but don’t know where to start and
get guidance from?
🌟A transformational 3-month journey
where you will:
✅ Develop unshakable confidence
& self-awareness.
✅ Learn to handle stress & tough
emotions like a pro. (higher EQ)
✅ Level up your communication
& gain powerful people skills
for work & life.
✅ Get group coaching
& mentorship from me.
✅ Connect and learn together
with a supportive sisterhood
of like-minded young women like you.
💡 Expect a safe space to learn and grow, fun, interactive, and life-changing experience!
You’re the perfect fit if you’re a young woman
(18-30 years old) who:
✨ Is a student, self-employed, working,
or in between jobs
✨ Feels stuck, overwhelmed, or struggling with emotions & confidence.
✨ Wants to learn to be a stronger person through resilience, manage emotions
and stress better in life
PLUS the skills to handle people
you deal with, like a PRO!
✨ Is ready to commit & invest time in your personal growth
🙋♀️ No experience? No problem. All you need is an open mind & a willingness to learn!
🗓️ Programme Dates:
April 9 – July 2, 2025
📢 Application Deadline:
March 21, 2025
📩 Successful Candidates Announcement:
March 28, 2025
📅 Being able to commit to
the following schedule :
Wed 9th Apr, 830-10pm:
Online via Zoom (Goal Setting Session)
Wed 23rd Apr 8.30-10pm:
Glow Hour 1 (online)
Wed 7th May 8.30-10pm:
Glow Hour 2 (online)
Wed 21st May 8.30-10pm:
Glow Hour 3 (online)
Wed 4th June 8.30-10pm:
Glow Hour 4 (online)
Wed 18th June 8.30-10pm:
Glow Hour 5 (online)
Wed 2nd July 8.30-10pm:
Closing & Celebration (online or face to face)
*Glow Hour :
live online session with learning reflection, coaching, guidance, Q&A
and sharing of learning experience.
NOTE : To be scheduled exclusively and away from other activities so that you can get the most value for you to grow and learn.
*Through out the 3 months :
You will be given FREE access to all the lessons that consists of valuable hacks and how-to's to transform yourself
⏳ Be ready to show up, engage, and take action💡 Come with an open heart & mind—this is YOUR time to grow!
Why I am offering this sponsorship...
I was once young like you too.
Completed my studies in Accounting & Finance, secured myself a job in a bank and Telco for 9 years in total.
I went through many years without knowing what I needed to know. It was confusing, frustrating and I made so many painful mistakes.
It was not until I made mistakes that was irreversible, that I found that there were so many thing that was not taught in school.
How to manage changes, that transition from being a student to be a working adult. How to make wise decisions about friendship, relationships, career, financial...it was just too many things that I had to learn on my own.
In 2002, after my divorce I went into a deep learning about myself and what I need to move forward in life with better decision making skills, how to bounce back from mistakes, heart breaks and rejections.
Fast forward 2008 onwards, I found myself dedicating myself to let others have the same self awareness and skills. I started training youth to build confidence through JustSpeak Programmes. Then moved on to training young management trainees under SL1M, FSTEP. Protege Programmes as well as employees and leaders at workplace.
My mission through this sponsorship is simple : I want to help you acquire the necessary skills so that many young women like you can thrive in your life and make the world a better place!
Let us get to know you!
Pernah tak rasa :
Ragu diri, tertekan dengan stress, atau susahnya nak menghadap orang sekeliling yang bermacam-mecam kerenah?
Stress gila bila masuk kerja atau masuk kolej/universiti dari sekolah?
sebab semua benda dah jadi lain kan?
💖 Rasa nak buat sesuatu untuk keluar dari rasa macam ni , tapi tak tahu nak mula dari mana?
Bimbingan selama 3 bulan ini untuk:
✅ Tingkatkan keyakinan (confidence)
& kesedaran diri (self awareness)
yang kukuh
✅ Belajar cara urus stress &
emosi dengan bijak, sihat & cekap.
(tingkatkan EQ)
✅ Tingkatkan kemahiran komunikasi &
cara nak menghadapi orang lain
melalui 'people skills' yang power !
✅ Dapatkan bimbingan & coaching berkumpulan secara terus dari saya.
✅ Belajar bersama-sama dengan kawan-kawan yang menyokong satu sama lain.
(tak perlu lalui ni sorang-sorang!)
Program ini sesuai jika anda:
✨ Seorang pelajar, bekerja sendiri, bekerja makan gaji, atau sedang mencari kerja.
✨ Rasa tertekan, mudah stress, atau kurang yakin diri.
✨ Nak bina ketahanan emosi, bijak urus stress dan jadi lebih kuat, yakin dan kental dalam mengharungi cabaran.
✨ Komited untuk memberikan masa demi pembangunan diri.
🗓️ Tarikh Program:
8 April – 1 Julai 2025
📢 Tarikh Tutup Permohonan:
21 Mac 2025
📩 Pengumuman peserta yang berjaya:
28 Mac 2025
📅 'Commitment' mengikut jadual ini :
Selasa 8 Apr, 830-10pm:
Online via Zoom (Sesi ‘Goal Setting’)
Selasa 22 Apr 8.30-10pm:
Glow Hour 1 (online)
Selasa 6 Mei 8.30-10pm:
Glow Hour 2 (online)
Selasa 20 Mei 8.30-10pm:
Glow Hour 3 (online)
Selasa 3 Jun 8.30-10pm:
Glow Hour 4 (online)
Selasa 17 Jun 8.30-10pm:
Glow Hour 5 (online)
Selasa 1 Julai 8.30-10pm:
Penutup & Meraikan Tamat Program
*Glow Hour :
Sesi live online untuk refleksi pembelajaran ,
coaching, bimbingan, sesi Q & A bersama coach serta sesi berkongsi pengalaman.
*Sepanjang 3 bulan :
Akses percuma kepada pembelajaran bagaimana nak develop EQ supaya anda boleh "transform' #fromstressedouttoglowup.
⏳ Kesediaan untuk belajar & berusaha
💡 Jika datang dengan hati & minda terbuka, nak transform dari
‘stress out’ to ‘glow up’
ni pun jadi senang je!
Saya pernah muda jugak dulu.
Lepas graduate belajar Accounting & Finance, saya kerja di bank dan syarikat telekomunikasi selama 9 tahun. Masa tu main redah je, tak da guide langsung apa skills yang saya perlu untuk berjaya dalam kerjaya.
Macam mana nak uruskan perubahan hidup, dari pelajar kepada menjadi wanita bekerja, macam mana nak buat keputusan yang bijak , kewangan, relationship, kerjaya dan macam macam lagi semua kena fikir sendiri tanpa bimbingan.
Confuse gila, memang mengecewakan.
Saya pulak banyak la buat kesliapan tapi tak buat apa-apa jugak.
Sampailah bila ada peristiwa peristiwa besar menimpa diri, barulah terduduk dan bangun semula mencari jawapan.
Tahun 2002, selepas berpisah dan menjadi single mother, barulah belajar betul-betul ilmu urus diri dan people skills yang perlu bukan sahaja untuk survive tapi untuk thrive dalam hidup. Belajar macam mana nak bangun dari kesilapan secara sihat dan menjadi lebih kuat dan sebagainya sehingga membolehkan saya menjadi self employed.
Tahun 2008 saya dah mula give back sebagai jurulatih bermula dengan program latihan untuk remaja membina confidence seperti JustSpeak, SL1M, FSTEP, Protege. Pada masa yang sama sehingga kini dapatlah melatih lebih dari 27,000 peserta dari hampir 100 buah syarikat . Latihan di tempat kerja termasuklah latihan people skills untuk pengurus dan leaders.
Misi saya melalui sponsorhip ni : saya nak bantu seramai yang boleh wanita muda supaya ada skills yang penting seperti EQ, resilience supaya you all semua boleh thrive, elakkan kesilapan kesilapan besar, heart breaks and pains, sebaliknya boleh thrive dalam kehidupan sebagai wanita yang kuat . Sama ada untuk menjadi ibu yang awesome kepada anak-anak satu hari nanti mahupun untuk menjadi boss babes di tempat kerja nanti. It will all require pretty much the same skill sets, believe it or not.
Dari situ kita sama-sama "Make the World a Better Place"
& dapatkan
Kongsikan sedikit tentang diri anda.
Profound Learning Solutions Sdn Bhd (CO ID 845828-V) is an HRDC licensed training provider since 2012 and provides HRDC-claimable courses.